Hinko Smrekar Award

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Named after the Slovene graphic artist, illustrator, and caricaturist Hinko Smrekar (1883–1942), the Hinko Smrekar Award is a national award for best Slovene book illustrators. It has been bestowed since 1993 at the Biennial of Slovene Book Illustration, organised by Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre in cooperation with the Illustration Section of the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU).

The awards include the Hinko Smrekar Lifetime Achievement Award and the Hinko Smrekar Award, Distinction, Accolade, and Special Award in Recognition of a Young Artist.

Awarded artists

The most recent Hinko Smrekar Lifetime Achievement Award winners are: Marjan Manček in 2016, Jože Ciuha in 2014, Kamila Volščanšek in 2012, Melita Štih Vovk in 2010, and Štefan Planinc in 2008.

Recent recipients of the Hinko Smrekar Award for best illustration are: Damijan Stepančič in 2016, Hana Stupica in 2014, Peter Škerl in 2012, Danijel Demšar in 2010, and Kostja Gatnik in 2008.

See also

External links

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Nagrada Hinka Smrekarja +
Nagrada Hinka Smrekarja +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Komenskega 8 +
Named after the Slovene graphic artist, illustrator, and caricaturist Hinko Smrekar (1883–1942), the Hinko Smrekar Award is a national award for best Slovene book illustrators. +
Named after the Slovene graphic artist, illustrator, and caricaturist Hinko Smrekar (1883–1942), the Hinko Smrekar Award is a national award for best Slovene book illustrators. +
+386 / 1 433 0464 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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